Thursday, August 4, 2016

Learning About Brazil

This is what makes me so excited that the Olympics are in Brazil: because people are asking questions and wanting to learn more about this amazing place. I fell in love with Brazil when I was 16, during a missions trip with my youth group. I have lived here, off and on, since 2004. And one of my favorite parts is getting to share it and about it with others. 
When someone asks what Brazil is like, I wonder how long they have to listen, because there is so much to share! There is the country: things like geography, weather, history, and of course food. Then there is the people: things like how they dress, music they like, holidays they celebrate, and language they speak. Then there are the stories: where Brazil comes alive because they are people just like us, but with different details. This is where you really begin to see someone else's culture. 
So let's give this a try! Click the links to see the best resource I could find for each subject:

1. The Country: geography, weather, history (current politics), food (or, our videos ). 
2. The People: clothing (like USA in summer), music, holidays, language (quick overview of Brazil for kids)
3. The Stories: This is part of why we are here in Brazil! We make missionary vlogs every week, with our stories! We also run the Youtube channel for Living Stones, and have lots of stories of kids there. We also have stories about short term missions trips in Brazil.  

So the Olympics start tomorrow! Hope you check out all four parts of this series:

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