Friday, October 14, 2016

Never Ever

If you are #neverhillary or #nevertrump, I understand. If you think through and decide you can't vote for a man who treats women like poo, I understand. If you vote for Hillary just because she is a woman, I understand. If you vote Trump just because he doesn't sound like all the other politicians, I understand. If you vote third party because you don't want to have to tell your daughter you voted for either candidate, I understand. If you refuse to vote third party because it is a wasted vote, I understand. 
If you don't vote because you don't like the candidates, I don't understand. If you don't vote because it is a hassle, I don't understand. If you don't vote because you don't want to have to deal with facing crap, I don't understand. Struggle with it. Disagree with me. But please don't be lazy. Figuring out your political views is taking time to care about the future you are giving to the next generation, even if your political view is to get as far away from government as possible. 
Here is the dirty truth: America isn't the center of the universe. The rest of the world, including many countries with leaders that make our choices look like saints, have and will continue to function. We will continue to function. How you vote is simply a reflection of who you are- and it should reflect your conscience, not mine. How we act the day after the election is a reflection of who you are as well. I want to see beautiful, creative things.
If you have decided how you are going to vote: good. If you want to share why: Okay. If you really feel others should agree with you: sounds normal. But watch where you go after that. It is never your job to change anyone. Ever. 
Here is the ugly dirty truth: I am not the center of the universe. It is not my job to make people agree with me. But Rachel, aren’t you a missionary? Isn’t converting people to your religion your job? Thankfully, No. It isn’t about me at all. I have found this most amazing gift: salvation. I have this most intimate friend: Jesus. And He has made my life better. He has changed me. And so I post on Facebook about Him all the time. I think that everyone I know should be a Christian- because I want them to be happy and find what I have found. But it is not my job to change anyone. Ever. I will not save anyone. Ever. I will only share what I know is true and hope others get it. Thank goodness there is the Holy Spirit to change hearts and minds! 
It is important to warn someone if they are about to hurt themselves. It is important to share the truth, and dispel lies. But it is not my job to control them (unless they are my young child who is trying to burn herself on the stove. I have a little bit of control there. But any parent can tell you that control is very short lived). And it is never my job to change them. Ever. The best shot I have is to live my life in such a way that they will say "Hey, I want that- how do I get it?" 
Sharing your political view is natural, because anything you believe in, you want others to believe in as well. Especially if you feel it will really make a difference in your/their lives. 
Using mean, cruel words or actions to try to change someone's mind is crossing the line. Guilting them into changing their mind is shameful. Anything that is not love is wrong. Confused about what love is? Read 1st Corinthians 13 again. It is never your job to change someone's mind. Never ever.

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