Thursday, February 23, 2017

Introducing the Fashion Series

Another transition to the States and another round of Rachel trying to figure out her style and feel fashionable. Or at least feel somewhat like I am fitting in. I believe I am not the only one struggling this this, and feel that this is especially common to missionary women. So I am documenting my process in the hopes that it helps me figure things out, and start conversations with others who feel stuck in the area of fashion. This is the introduction to a four-part series:

2. Homeschooler’s view of Fashion: Finding your Style

3. Fashion for Missionaries: Finding Help and Time

4. The Perfect Gift for Missionary Women

By finding your style or fashion, I mean what it takes to make you feel fashionable. By fashionable, I mean special, confident, and beautiful: something I wish for all women. Feeling special for me is normally by feeling chosen, noticed by those I admire. Feeling confident is feeling strong and knowing I can handle what comes my way. Feeling beautiful is feeling like everything came together with my outfit and hair and accessories and makeup.

What do you need to feel fashionable? 

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